Ticket info can be found here. In case you cannot find the info you are looking for, please contact us through the chat on the bottom corner of this page, or send us a message at info@dancevalley.nl.

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  • To prevent fraud and unwanted trade, you will receive your ticket(s) on the 7th of August. Until then, the tickets are safely stored in our ticketing system. Of course, the tickets can be transferred to another name within our system, or resold, if necessary.

  • You can change your e-mail address on the website of our ticket provider, Paylogic. Click here for more info.

  • Please check the order confirmation you received in your e-mail after your purchase. Go to ‘my order’ and change the name on your ticket.

  • Please check the order confirmation you received in your e-mail after your ticket purchase. Go to ‘manage order’ and click on ‘resale’, and then go to ‘sell your ticket.’ Select the ticket you want to offer for sale and determine the price. Or you can go directly to our resale platform.